
SONY PSP Branding

PSP Brand Signature and Brand Book
databloom Branding
"The databloom logo captures the quiet power of data - organic, feminine, and full of potential."
Databloom Branding:
For databloom, we created a logo and brand identity that stood out against the typical tech landscape at Money20/20. Drawing inspiration from the organic beauty of dandelions, the branding reflected a softer, more feminine approach to data, breaking away from the hard-edged, masculine visuals often associated with tech events.
The databloom logo symbolises growth, creativity, and the potential within every "seed" of data. Its fluid, organic form mirrors the natural elegance of dandelion seeds in motion, conveying the idea that data, like nature, can bloom into something unexpected and beautiful. The color palette was intentionally softer, contrasting sharply with the typical tech look, to evoke a sense of wonder, innovation, and emotional connection.
This branding encapsulated databloom's mission: to humanise and personalise data, transforming it from abstract numbers into meaningful, creative experiences.

Project databloom Background:
At the Money20/20 event in Amsterdam, databloom was an immersive installation blending art and data, inspired by the natural elegance of dandelions. Visitors interacted with their biometric data - heartbeat, height, and clothing color - transforming it into dynamic, colorful visual blooms. This unique experience showcased the untapped potential of data, offering a personalised, emotional connection to technology. With over 300 visitors and 157 business leads, databloom successfully bridged creativity and commerce, redefining data’s role in the future of innovation.
MTV New - Titles, set-, sound- and logo-design
"'Twisted wonders'—that fleeting moment when a child’s eyes light up with both awe and uncertainty. We captured that magic through flowers, colors, and sound, shaping the surreal beauty of MTV New."
Titles, set-, sound- and logo-design for one of MTV’s most interesting shows, MTV New.
Shot with 5 children between the ages of 3 and 8 and tons of flowers, the concept was ‘twisted wonders’ - the amazement that you see in children’s eyes when they see some-
thing for the first time, somewhere between being fascinated and being unsure...
MTV Hijack Reality - Style Guide
"A guide isn’t about rules, it’s about lighting the spark. In a world hijacked by creativity, inspiration leads, and the rest follows."
It’s not everyday you are asked to create a style guide for people who won’t touch style guides. When MTV’s International division approached us with this brief - crafting a guide for their global channels - we had a feeling the results could either be amazing or catastrophically mediocre - there was no safe middle ground. We came up with the concept of "Hijacking Reality". Based on the idea that this particular style guide should be inspirational, rather than dictating, it came in the form of a scrapbook, built around the concept that MTV’s reality is a hijacked version of our reality - one where streets are for dancing, cribs are huge and Cristal is the preferred form of sustenance.

Welcome to the DIY Reality Hijack Box Set:
Inside the Reality Hijack Box, we delivered tools for disruption. A scrapbook, spray cans, and stencils were packed so creatives across MTV offices could make their mark, transforming their spaces to feel raw and true to their culture- yet unified by the same stencils. We also threw in vintage T-shirts, each stenciled with the slogan, and stickers for even more DIY rebellion. It wasn't just a kit, it was an invitation to hijack your environment.
MTV Reality Hijack DIY Box Set
MTV Reality Hijack Scrapbook
"We didn’t follow the rules - we hid a book inside the book. Because when you hijack reality, even the guide to it should surprise you."
In true MTV fashion, we took the idea of a traditional style guide and flipped it on its head. Hidden within the scrapbook, we’ve bound a smaller book right in the middle—breaking boundaries, just like the brand itself. This isn’t just about design rules, it’s about rewiring your thinking. A guide within a guide, a surprise waiting to be discovered, just like MTV’s constant reinvention of reality.
MTV Reality Hijack Digital Brand Guide
"Why follow the rules when you can hijack the whole system? We took Microsoft Office and made it MTV’s own."
We also created an interactive version and went a step further—we hijacked the entire Microsoft Office Suite, infusing it with the energy and spirit of MTV’s young culture. Ordinary software turned into a playground for creativity.
PSP Identity
"The PSP was more than a console - it was the future of mobility, putting entire worlds in your pocket. Little did we know, we were designing for the moment before everyone walked through life with their heads in their phones."
Shortly after we completed MTV Hijack, PlayStation approached us with a similar challenge—launching the PlayStation Portable (PSP) across Europe (with Australia, interestingly, in the mix). They needed a guide that could unite the creative vision across diverse markets, while giving each country the freedom to adapt it to their local culture.
We also created the brand signature and brand guidelines for the launch,
and took the same bold approach: we designed the visual identity, creating a look and feel that captured the cutting-edge, mobile nature of PSP.
Then, we crafted a style guide to match - one that walked the fine line between advertising and pure inspiration. This wasn’t just a manual, it was a creative toolkit for all teams working on the brand. It set the tone for a cohesive yet flexible launch across all regions, blending unity with local flair.
JOOST - Visual Identity
"Joost wasn’t just about streaming - it was about breaking the box, exploding the old TV model into something interactive, something alive. But sometimes the future doesn’t arrive the way we expect."
Originally known as The Venice Project, Joost launched in 2007 with the bold ambition of becoming the future of television - hard to believe now in 2024, right? Founded by Janus Friis and Niklas Zennström, the minds behind Kazaa and Skype, their vision was to merge broadcast-quality TV with the interactivity of the internet.
They asked us to create the visual identity and brand guidelines for Joost. Inspired by the iconic TV color bars, we exploded them into 3D bars to form the brand’s signature—symbolizing Joost's mission to shatter the old TV model and build something new.

But despite the excitement, Joost couldn’t compete. YouTube and Hulu surged ahead, offering easier access to content. Joost's reliance on peer-to-peer technology made it clunky, and licensing issues slowed its growth. By 2009, Joost pivoted, leaving behind what was once thought to be the future of TV.
Created at Hi-ReS! 2005